The themes of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ are central to this project. What appears before your eyes is a dusty tri-dimensional family portrait. Time is passing, dust accumulating, tumbleweeds are rolling by. Ashes to Ashes. The characters happen to be
Saghetti Co. - Intermezzo
I always wanted to give you a pink elephant
Avrei sempre voluto regalarti un elefante rosa
  The themes of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ are central to this project. What appears before your eyes is a dusty tri-dimensional family portrait. Time is passing, dust accumulating, tumbleweeds are rolling by. Ashes to Ashes. The characters happen to be

The themes of ‘home’ and ‘belonging’ are central to this project. What appears before your eyes is a dusty tri-dimensional family portrait. Time is passing, dust accumulating, tumbleweeds are rolling by. Ashes to Ashes. The characters happen to be in the same room, there is no intrinsic relationship between them, but they are each telling you their family’s story.

photo by Andrea Medri

Saghetti Co. - Intermezzo
Saghetti Co. - Intermezzo

live performance [20 min]

Created by Alice Gosti

with Chantael Duke, Alice Gosti, Anh Nguyen, Devin McDermott, Danielle Daggerty, Amy Ross and Markeith Wiley
Music by Puledra (Giorgio Gosti, Vittorio Montoro and Lorenzo Gigliotti) and TLC
Text by TLC
Costumes by Alice Gosti and Mark Ferrin
Light design by Amiya Brown
Special Thanks to Amy Johnson, Vanessa Dewolf and Studio Current, Velocity Dance Center and Joele.

It premiered at Velocity Dance Center in May 2012, as part of the Scuba: Network for Touring Dance performance. Which also featured work by Allie Hankins (Seattle) and Gabrielle Revlock (Philadelphia).

Review by Michael Van Baker

photo by Tim Summers

I always wanted to give you a pink elephant
I always wanted to give you a pink elephant

live performance [17 min]

Created by Alice Gosti
with Chantael Duke, Anh Nguyen, Devin McDermott, Amy Ross and Markeith Wiley

Performed by Chantael Duke, Alice Gosti, Anh Nguyen, Devin McDermott, Amy Ross and Markeith Wiley
Music by Puledra (Giorgio Gosti, Vittorio Montoro and Lorenzo Gigliotti) and TLC
Text by TLC
Costumes by Alice Gosti and Mark Ferrin
Light design by Amiya Brown
Special Thanks to Amy Johnson, Vanessa Dewolf and Studio Current, Velocity Dance Center and Joele.

photo from video

Avrei sempre voluto regalarti un elefante rosa
Avrei sempre voluto regalarti un elefante rosa

live performance installation [17 min]

Created by Alice Gosti
with Chantael Duke, Alice Gosti, Anh Nguyen, Devin McDermott, Amy Ross and Markeith Wiley

Performed by Alice Gosti, Devin McDermott and Anh Nguyen
Music by Puledra (Giorgio Gosti, Vittorio Montoro and Lorenzo Gigliotti) and Alice Gosti
Costumes by Alice Gosti
Light design by Amiya Brown
Special Thanks to Centro Civico per la Danza: Dance Gallery, Centro per le Arti Contemporanee TreBISonda, SANDFORD&GOSTI, Amy Johnson, Vanessa Dewolf and Studio Current, Velocity Dance Center and Joele.
**The first version of this piece was created as a quartett in one month, as part of the Bridge Project, a program organized by Velocity Dance Center. In May 2012 it was re-staged as part of Scuba: Network for Touring Dance performance adding three new cast memmbers. Which also featured work by Allie Hankins (Seattle) and Gabrielle Revlock (Philadelphia). The trio version of this piece toured in Italy in the Winter of 2013 and it was selected to perform in Premio Equilibrio in Rome and at TREBISONDA Perugia.

photo by Andrea Medri