Invisible womxn
photo by Tim Summers
Invisible Womxn aims to bring to the forefront stories of local womxn. Womxn have shaped our city and state from the very beginning yet little mention is made of these brave womxn who were full partners in the bold venture of Seattle’s founders. My is also to create a performance event that is a celebration without obscuring our problematic history.
See video. Here.
Invisible Women is commissioned and produced by Velocity Dance Center for Strictly Seattle 2017 with funding provided by the National Endowment for the Arts and special underwriting by Glenn Kawasaki. Funding for Invisible Womxn provided by the Neighborhood Matching Fund from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods and special underwriting through Velocity’s New Dance Initiative by Carlo Scandiuzzi with project sponsorship by Case van Rij.
photo by Bruce Clayton Tom
Invisible womxn FOR BUMBERSHOOT
For Bumbershoot 2017 we created 3 different excerpts from the Invisible Womxn performance. Each section unique and adapted to this new architecture.
See video. Here.